• LS3/5A Realizziamo una riproduzione conforme

    by  • 7 May 2015 • 0 Comments

    An interesting series of papers, written in Italian and published in the magazine Audiocostruzione, about the design of a small bookshelf loudspeaker, thought to be, in its aspect and sound, a modern LS3/5A reproduction: Part 1 (4MB Pdf) Part 2 (5.4 Mb Pdf) Part 3 (6.5 Mb Pdf) Part 4 (1.9 Mb Pdf)

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    CLIO 11 Electrical Impedance Measurements

    by  • 17 June 2014

    We published a new application note addressing the several possible modes and methods available in CLIO 11 to measure Electrical Impedance and derived measurements such as Inductor and Capacitor in the LCR Meter. CLIO 11 Sinusoidal menu feature a new Impedance measurements with 2-channels A/B Voltage-Current at speakers terminals. Special case of Loudspeaker Impedance, with...

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    CLIO 11 and Architectural Acoustics

    by  • 4 March 2014 • 0 Comments

    The CLIO system is a flexible instrument which can find application on many fields of electroacoustics. CLIO 11 it is a powerful instrument non only for the electro-acoustical designer but also for the acoustician. The MLS&LogChirp module can acquire room impulse responses of a maximum length of 2M points, which at the sampling frequency...

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    CLIO 11 Directivity and Balloons news and updates

    by  • 27 February 2014 • 0 Comments

    Clio 11 new redesigned Directivity & 3 D Balloons menu -Overlap between directivity and time-frequency analysis menus has been removed -Menu is completely dedicated to directivity analysis -Powerful 3D interpolation and data management -Flexible export features towards CLF and EASE Play this video to enjoy a full 3D Balloon with CLIO 11 Watch 3D Moving...

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    CLIO 11: Measurements at your fingertip

    by  • 17 February 2014 • 0 Comments

    CLIO 11 is fully compliant with Windows 10. As with all of our software products, compatibility testing is done during the product’s development cycle to ensure optimal performance across a variety of operating systems. Each of our products has specific system requirements in regards to what operating systems and what hardware specifications were tested against...

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