• Application Briefs


    by  • 30 April 2024 • Application Briefs, News

    AES75 standard “Measuring loudspeaker maximum linear sound levels using noise” has been recently released: https://www.aes.org/standards/AES75/. The Audiomatica CLIO system is fully compatible with the standard, facilitating a seamless execution of the testing process. In our latest application note , we offer a comprehensive guide detailing the entire measurement process, including a thorough description of...

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    Spinorama plots with CLIO and CLIO Pocket

    by  • 23 May 2023 • Application Briefs, News

    We have published an application note in which we introduce a Scilab script for creating directivity ‘Spinorama’ plots that are compliant with ANSI/CEA 2034A standards. The data used for these plots are measured using CLIO and CLIO Pocket systems. Creating Spinorama Plots from Polar Measurements Sets CLIO 12 Example data A spinorama plot is...

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    Testing Smart Devices with CLIO 12.5

    by  • 13 December 2019 • Application Briefs, News, Slide, Slideshow

    We published a two part application note where we introduce a proof-of-concept CLIO 12.5 QC application to test a seven microphone array and speaker which is typically used in smart devices such as Amazon Echo or Google Assistant. Testing Smart Devices with CLIO 12.5 – Part I Testing Smart Devices with CLIO 12.5 –...

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    STIPA measurements with CLIO 11

    by  • 27 January 2016 • Application Briefs, News • 0 Comments

    CLIO 11 now implements, under the Acoustical Parameters menu, the calculation of STIPA according to the indirect method as per IEC 60268-16:2011 standard. STIPA is a simplified version of the complete STI (Speech Transmission Index) measurement tailored for Public Address sound systems. The following application note details the procedure: Speech Intelligibility Assessment Using CLIO...

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    CLIO 11 Electrical Impedance Measurements

    by  • 17 June 2014 • Application Briefs, News

    We published a new application note addressing the several possible modes and methods available in CLIO 11 to measure Electrical Impedance and derived measurements such as Inductor and Capacitor in the LCR Meter. CLIO 11 Sinusoidal menu feature a new Impedance measurements with 2-channels A/B Voltage-Current at speakers terminals. Special case of Loudspeaker Impedance, with...

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    CLIO 11 and Architectural Acoustics

    by  • 4 March 2014 • Application Briefs, News • 0 Comments

    The CLIO system is a flexible instrument which can find application on many fields of electroacoustics. CLIO 11 it is a powerful instrument non only for the electro-acoustical designer but also for the acoustician. The MLS&LogChirp module can acquire room impulse responses of a maximum length of 2M points, which at the sampling frequency...

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